Sunday, November 30, 2008

How To Decide What Amount You Will Give?

By Tom O

Success is life's main purpose for many in this world, and all their actions are focussed on that goal alone. After all, we live life to enjoy ourselves, and success can fund you to facilitate those small enjoyments. On the other hand, we must also remember to give back to the world what it has given to us. This is essential to maintain a balance in life.

This balance can be achieved in the form of donations to the poor and the needy through charitable organizations and events. Easier said than done, fixing the amount you want to give back,it is such a difficult thing to do, because, you cannot compromise too much on your lifestyle to make this balance.

Donating is just like planning a vacation, or buying an engagement ring. All you have to do is plan ahead. First, ensure that you can afford to give money to others, and continue with the same facilities that you now enjoy.

Open a special savings account to set aside money just as if you would for any of your savings. Decide per month how much you can afford to stow away in this account. If you are on a budget, alot $10, $25, or any price you can handle and set this aside.

Chosing where to give your money is just about as important as saving it. What is the point if you do not have a good cause or investment decided to give your money to. Research, especially on the internet these days is the key to succes in chosing such a decision.

Search the heart! Find something that you care about. If you have an afinity to animals like I do, this may be a good place to start. The Humane society or Pita are good organizations to get involved in. Just think about the animals you can help save.

Another act of 'giving' is giving to yourself. After all you deserve it. Invest in your future by buying stocks and time shares. This is a nice option to involve yourself in the free market and provide safety and security to your family's future.

Choosing how much you want to give, is the primary thing you must do. Allot a certain fixed percentage of your salary to give back to the world. But in an attempt to do so, don't give away everything you have. Accumulate small amounts over fixed periods of time, and never give into the temptation of digging into your charity fund in times of need. By giving back what you get, you are getting closer and closer to God. - 16089

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