Sunday, November 30, 2008

Will A Quick Fix Diet Work

By Keeley Roberts

We all know the scenario, going out for the evening and cannot peel ourselves into our favourite jeans. We then want to lose the extra weight immediately, well I always do. Is this possible without starvation or a quick fix diet? It can be done with the correct diet plan and information.

Unless you want to be hooked on quick fix diets, rather like cigarettes, you must have a plan. Put a start date for your weight loss programme into your diary. Let everybody know your trying to lose weight, oh and if they still try to force unsuitable food on you, take no notice. Have a really good look at types of diets and which one will suit your daily routine.

Plan an exercise routine. It has been proven that exercise in the morning is more effective than later on in the day.This is due to calories and fat from the evening before being burned off.

Nutrition plays an important factor when embarking on any diet plan, especially a quick fix diet. Processed foods contain high levels of sodium which cause fluid to be retained. Eliminate these from your diet wherever possible.

You must change your eating habits from grazing on sweets or crips to eating fruit and vegetables. Always have a healthy snack to hand to stop those cravings. Always drink plenty of fluids, especially water. This will keep your body hydrated which is particularly important on a quick fix diet.

I used to keep a star chart in the kitchen to remind myself of how well I was doing. The children thought it was most impressive that mummy had a chart. Buy one item of smaller clothing as an incentive and make sure you can see this every day. I bought something totally inappropriate but it made me feel good.

Eating in front of the television is a sure fire way to overeating. If you plan your menu and meal times in advance you will ensure that your schedule fits in around this and you won't be tempted to sit on the sofa with three pizza's. (we have all done it!).

Before you start any diet always make sure it is suitable for you. Not every diet will suit everyone. If you are in any doubt seek the appropriate medical advice. Plan the onset of your weight loss plan and you should be able to stay away from quick fix diets. - 16089

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