Saturday, November 29, 2008

How to Get a Good Finance Deal on a Car Loan

By Ada Denis

Have you been thinking about having a new car financed? If you have, then the information you are about to read in this article should be a particular interest to you. Many individuals out there are under the impression that all of the loans out there are the same. There is nothing that could be further from the truth that this. The truth is that the auto finance companies that are out there have to compete, just like any other business. The finance companies for car loans that are out there will be offering deals in order to attract new customers. In order to come home with a great loan offer, you will know where and when to look, there are some simple steps that we recommend you following.

1. You should always manage your credit well. Individuals who have good credit ratings are about there when it comes to getting the best loan rates for a car. You can request a copy of your credit report. This is to make sure everything is the way it should be on your credit report. You do not want to go try to get financed for car loans when there have been some fraudulent acts on your credit report. A couple of credit points may be just enough to take you from fair to good.

2. When looking to finance a new car, you should know how much you can afford. This may sound simple, but there are many car buyers out there who take more than they can afford and end up with repossession on their credit. On the Internet, you will be able to find a ton of free loan calculators, you should use them.

3. If you are able to come up with a large down payment, then you should do so. Sure, those offers with no down payments are great in the beginning, until the first bill comes due. When you put a larger down payment on a car, you will have less to pay all money.

4. You should think about insurance. Nearly every state in the United States of Florida requires you to have car insurance. You may be able to afford that nice new sports car payment, but will you be able to afford those payments when you have to pay insurance as well? What if something happens to you and you are not able to work to make those payments? This is not a requirement, but there are many finance companies out there that will be looking favorable on someone that has a disability policy.

5. When a company places early-repayment penalties on that car loan you are looking into, then you should think twice. Always thoroughly read that contract before you sign it, penalties are sometimes hidden in the words.

6. Look around for the best car deal. There are a number of different auto finance companies and you should not feel so compelled to go with just one. There is no rush with you looking around. - 16089