Friday, January 30, 2009

Unique Article Wizard-Article Marketing-Unique Articles

By skysuccess

Article marketing and submitting unique articles with Unique Article Wizard is a great way to promote your online business. Article marketing with unique articles can bring your business much needed traffic. It doesn't matter whether you're promoting affiliate programs, selling products, or displaying Adsense on your websites.

Why is a unique article better? On the internet it is about providing unique content. That is where other submission services fall down. Every one of them sends out the same article all over the place. Initially search engines pick them up, but then, with time, they sort through them and find they are all the same. They still remain indexed, but their value diminishes. They show up in the search engines less, and their links back to you count for less.

Google detects the same content when you submit the same article to several article directories, your article becomes worthless. Unique Article Wizard is a wonderful article submission strategy. Every article you write becomes unique and is submitted to over 1,000 top article directories and ezine publishers. Getting your online business to the top of google is simple and easy.

Unique Article Wizard is the single most effective tool on the internet for creating genuine backlinks to your site, increasing your credibility, and rocketing your site to the top of the search engines. But it won't happen if you don't act! Jump on board today, and turbo-charge your website promotion. Click here to visit the Unique Article Wizard website.

I use Unique Article Wizard to promote several online businesses. I can't even begin to tell you how much time and money I have saved using this service. My businesses are on the first page of google and my profits are exploding. Click here to visit my Squidoo Lens

Access one of the greatest internet marketing tools available. Article marketing is the number one way to create web presence and generate traffic. Unique Article Wizard is the number one article submission tool on the net.

I love the affiliate program Unique Article Wizard offers. If you choose to, you can add an affiliate link in your article. When three people sign up, your own subscription is paid for. Sign up 40 people and you've hit the $1000 per month mark. And just keep going from there. Wow! All this in addition to your online business success! - 16089

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Get The Facts About The Cookie Diet

By Ron George

The cookie diet may take the cake as the world's most awful ever fad diet. In essence this diet states that amino acids baked into cookies can control hunger.

Fad diets seem to be everywhere these days. In general a fad diet is a diet which is designed to last for short periods of time, during which large amounts of weight can allegedly be lost. Most fad diets center on some super weight loss food, much like the cookie diet centers on the cookie. These diets rely on slick pitches that make it seem silly not to buy and try the diet.

Sanford Siegel created the cookie diet in 1975 while he was doing research for a nutrition book. This cookie diet consisted of patients eating six cookies each day in place of meals, then eating a reasonable dinner. All told the daily caloric intake was about 800 calories. Very quickly the cookie diet became a huge success, with 14 clinics in Florida and 10 in Latin America expounding this amazing weight loss formula. In the middle 1980s over 200 doctors were prescribing Dr. Siegel's cookie diet in their own practices. The diet was quickly expanded to miracle soups and shakes that also contained the amino acids.

There is another version of the cookie diet referred to as the Hollywood cookie diet because it became popular with many Hollywood stars. This diet received a great deal of media attention in part because of the PR efforts of attention grabbing stars and starlets. Like the original cookie diet this Hollywood version replaced breakfast and lunch with cookies, then allowed a reasonable dinner. The four cookies allowed on this diet consisted of a combined 600 calories and various vitamins.

Don't waste time with the cookie diet. Eat less, exercise more that's the formula for good health. Forget miracle foods even if a star tells you to try them. - 16089

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Does The Mike Dillard PPC Domination Course Suck?

By Dave Dauber

Is The PPC Domination Course Just Another Scam?

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw regular everyday people sucking money out of Googles Adword program literally at will.

Whats more important to a business owner than traffic? But there are all kinds of traffic. The important thing about generating traffic is learning how to generate targeted traffic. That's what the right pay per click traffic can do for you.

Mike Dillard has become well known for bringing the concept of a funded proposal to the MLM marketplace.

Using the concept of a funded proposal on top of driving traffic at will to your site opens up a whole new revenue stream.

The art of a funded proposal is crucial to creating an unlimited source of hungry prospects or customers.

If you could figure out how to have an unlimited advertising budget, then do you think you could figure out how to have an unlimited bank account?

That's where the PPC Domination course comes in. This course is designed to walk baby step by baby step using video tutorials through the process of setting up a campaign and launching it on the Internet.

The neat thing about the PPC Domination course is that its just easy to understand. It was even beta tested with newbies to see if there was anything left out

No stone is left unturned in this course. From start to finish there will never be a doubt in your mind as to what the next step is to completion of a powerful campaign.

Not only that, you will learn how to spot cash rich key words, how to write a monster pulling headline, and how to target buying keywords.

Did you know that there are some little known tricks that you can use to get more attention in your Google Adwords like changing the color of your ad?

After you go through this step by step course people will look to you as the guru.

The PPC Dominance course is for anyone that wants to learn list building and create an endless source of targeted traffic or leads flooding their email box.

So, does the PPC Domination course really suck? You can be the judge by going on over to:

You will also learn how regular everyday people are using the methods found in this pay per click course to generate up to 12,000 leads a month, that are generating a positive cash flow of $4.55 a lead.

Not only will you find access to 2 free videos but additional free bonuses and a special payment feature link if you decide it doesn't suck.

To your success,

Dave Dauber - 16089

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Getting Health Insurance When You're Self Employed

By Irving Donaldson

More and more people need to rely on self employment as their primary job and that means as a general rule that they need to understand the best ways of getting affordable health insurance on their own. As the economy worsens, an increasing number of jobs are lost that have the advantage of an employer with an excellent health insurance option, and rather than find themselves without, people are turning to the right agents to help them find the best coverage possible.


And many of these people might not need to look very far. In the best case scenario, there's a spouse that still has the kind of affordable health coverage that might even cover the disenfranchised person as well. This is method will save you potentially hundreds of dollars a month.

As well it might be possible for you to talk to the health insurance company that your presently employers use. This assuming that you're still working but will be laid off soon. This person might be able to help you find some affordable health insurance that's similar to the one you have at a higher deductible.


You might want to network as well and take the time to talk with some friends and others who are self employed. They'll be the ones that can tell you all about their experiences with getting the health insurance that you need as someone working on their own.

The other option that most people prefer is going online where they can get multiple health insurance quotes quickly. Here you'll need to be careful about the responses that you get and it's a great idea to have a general idea about the kind of insurance that you need and the amount that you're willing to pay before you start out. Remember that you'll want to get these quotes based on your current health and it's not a bad idea to get quite a few quotes before you start to narrow down your choices.


Remember that you dont need to go it alone either. There are many health insurance companies that have friendly knowledgeable agents that are willing to work with you to get the best price for the most health insurance coverage. Choose the company with the agents that are licensed and have the best knowledge of the requirements from state to state. - 16089

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Winning Stinks!

By Jennifer Dumas

Mom, dad, I am sure you proudly recall watching your first born playing soccer at the age of 5. The rules are simple. Everyone plays and nobody loses. Funny how the game always seems to end in a tie. Your little guy chases the ball mixed into a cluster with the other children. It's wild kicking in that cloud of kids. Thank goodness for shin guards!

He or she continues to work hard to develop those athletic skills. You pay for the private instuction and make the commitment to practice and play 5 days a week or more. That hard work pay off as he and his teammates win league games, tournments and move on to thier sports version of the "World Series".

As a family, you commit to raise the money to make your child's "World Series" deam a reality. You sell hotdogs, wash cars, and seek sponsors. Your friends , family and community rally around you, contributing to the cause. You have raised the funds...the team will have their opportunity to play.

As you arrive to your "World Series" you are immediately struck by the athletic ability of the opposing teams. It is then that you find out that this tournment allows teams to pick up "stud" players. To stay competitive with the other teams your coach feels he must do the same. The result... Your child and many of his teammates sit on the bench.

What message do we send to our children? "Thanks for all your hardwork this season, but have a seat. You're not good enough to play these kids". Isn't it your child and his teammates played hard to make it to this level? I say come as a team, play as a team, leave as a team! - 16089

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Things To Consider Before Investing

By Charles Johnson

The market is crazy these days so trying to find the best way to invest money can be difficult. We are all at different points in our lives and we all have different situations so the options available to you will differ from the next guy. We will take a look at these options to help you determine which investment method best suits your needs.

Risky investments typically pay more than safer investments so young investors are very lucky because they can afford to take on extra risk. Should the investment go bad and the investor loses their shirt, they will have time to make up the income before they retire, typically 30 or more years later. Investing early can mean big returns come retirement.

Older investors cannot afford to be risky with their investments as they are close to, or getting close to, retirement. Older investors need to avoid risky investments like stocks because their volatility can cause them to lose a significant portion of their savings, especially if they are cashed in like a downswing that we are currently experiencing. Look for more secure investments like bonds and treasury securities as options.

Another factor you need to consider is the amount of money you make in a year, and how much you rely on for everyday living expenses. If you are heavily reliant on your day to day income, then you really should consider more secure investments, as you will have a more difficult time making up those losses in the future, whereas an investor that makes more money can afford to be risky because they would have an easier time making up big losses.

How much credit card debt do you have? Credit card debt needs to be a consideration as most investments normally yield a smaller return than the normal credit card interest rate. For example if you have a 15% credit card rate, investing in a security that returns less than 15% makes less sense than paying off your debt. - 16089

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Home Insurance Quote -- Steps For Cheaper Rates

By Chimezirim Odimba

There are many ways to more affordable home owners insurance. But while many of them may save you some money, they could leave you with inadequate coverage. But in this article, I'll share several proven ways of paying less and at the same time have adequate coverage. Here they are...

1. If you want to save much: Insuring your home against every peril is NOT actually necessary. There are perils that are very unlikely in some areas. You can almost say with confidence that some perils are not a possibility in certain states going by their history.

It pays to make sure that you insure your home against every peril that has a reasonable chance of happening. Buying insurance for a peril that has never happened in a state can be rightly seen as financial waste. Opting for the right perils will make you buy only coverage that is necessary. This will result in savings if you had too much coverage before doing the review.

2. You'll get more affordable rates if you build with the right materials. For instance, brick houses are best in locations with high winds while frame homes are preferred in earthquake regions. As a result, having a frame home in the East will definitely cost you much more in home insurance. For those who stay in the West, they'll spend more if they buy a brick home. You'll get a discount of a minimum of 5% if you use the recommended material for your house.

3. The more claims you make the higher the risk associated with insuring you. If you make claims for every little thing, your house will soon be assessed as a much higher risk than another similar house where the owner files fewer claims. You'll get a more expensive rate as a consequence of this higher risk perception.

So if it is something you can take care of conveniently, do NOT make a claim. This will help keep your rate cheap.

4. Do you have a fire extinguisher or fire extinguishers in your house (depending on the number of fire sources you have in your home)? For example, your kitchen must have a good and functioning fire extinguisher. It's important that the fire extinguisher be good enough for the point it is meant to protect.

A fire extinguisher is only useful if it can be reached and also works well. Therefore, ensure that it is in perfect condition and accessible. Doing this will help you lower your rates.

5. Cheap quotes, while interesting, should be considered only after checking the insurance provider's rating. It's one thing to pay your rates faithfully and another thing for an insurer to keep to the deal. It is vital that you spend time to first check with your state's department of insurance website or its equivalent. Confirm from them whether your preferred insurer is licenced to offer home insurance and also their standing.

Independent bodies like BBB, A.M Best Company, Standard & Poor's Insurance Rating Services, Moody's Investor Services, Inc. will also help you determine if an insurer is worth it.

But before you do this...

You will save a lot if you only have between 25-30 minutes. Visit, obtain and compare home insurance quotes from several insurance quotes sites. The lowest quote should be your choice easily. Nevertheless, you have to look beyond just the lowest quote to the best price/value. The lowest priced may not offer the best price/value for you as an individual. - 16089

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