Thursday, January 29, 2009

Making Money Understanding Options Spreads.

By Walter Fox

Yes, a professional non-market day trader with stock options and stock options for the swing I understand you have the option to use the spread in the wild days of confusion can make money. While I work in the office almost every day because I am always the possibility of normal to do what I do.

While my "catch and the" recent stock portfolio keep plunging market has suffered during, I was almost a daily basis on my stock options trading account with my something very good to make the big percentage gains in mild setback Is enabled.

While my success my stock option trading strategy can not be denied that professional traders may seem naive. I% 40 days of wild market swings of a day on an average have made. The wild market, while I share the average time from his office said the businessman could be a great option strategy that is continuing.

This is how I have been able to make some very significant money trading in the options world. First I only trade 2 stocks in my options trading account. The reason being that since I am doing this while I doing my normal job I dont have time to really follow more stocks. As one really needs to understand the stock, almost be at one with it so you know how it will react when the market plunges or skyrockets. To understand the stock I study how it reacts to the extreme market activity with in its trading range. As an example lets say I am trading a stock A. I need to understand that when the market plunges 200 points "A" usualy goes down lets say 2% or 3 % and whne the stock market goes down 500 points it usually goes down lets say 5 to 7% and then does about the same to the countering up moves in the market. I dont really care about earnings etc but I make sure my 2 stocks are not carrying any special baggage that would influence their movement outside of the market swings ie. the bank stocks etc.

I understand that once the 2 stocks to reflect market activity and then I will study their trading range.Lets that these fluctuations in the stock market among the 57 industries and 63 or so. Then I studied the way so that the age of 60 or 57.50. I have a real lessons learned in the past month the number of these options is very small. For example, I might buy a small number of choices, so that on the 5th in Fortune 100 companies, I was the only option for any trading day as a whole. I am very interesting to see that my buying or selling price is fully aware of the high or low, in my capacity of the 5 choice. But it must be very carefully to understand the true meaning of bid-ask spread, and when you are developing the options trading strategy. It has done little or no spread of the final transaction price, the market is likely to rise or fall way past the last of the price.

As far as what options I have my original stock options that I at least one week a month and more comfotable felt a range of options expiration date is use the activity is spreading like to play. I also like the call or are just a little money put options. If the stock of low activity tading is the end, as usual I will buy 57.50 call does mean 58.

Maybe I am totally naive or just lucky but with todays markets I find trading stock options based on my method gives me one or 2 opportunites every trading day to play this strategy.The key if to truly understand how the stock you are playing reacts to large movement in the general market.

In summary I let the market drive the stock price down or up on 2 stocks that I follow very closely. When the market drive the price of the stock either up or down dramatically I then trade the option based on the stocks trading range that I have developed by watching the stock and its reactions to huge moves in the market. This has worked nicely for me but one must be able to have a computer with real time stock market access to alert one to the market moves. - 16089

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