Master cleanse diet is a diet that requires the individual to drink lemonade cocktail for as long as the master cleanse program lasts. The recipe behind the master cleanse diet is very easy to follow and formulate. All you need to do is just to drink at at least 60 ounces of lemonade a day but limit yourself to 120 ounces. As master cleanse is a process of removing the waste in your body, you will experience lots of water loss. Hence, you also need to drink lots of water to prevent dehydration. A simple guideline to follow on the amount of water to consume is to drink an equivalent of your weight in water.
If you want to make a glass of master cleanse, you will need 10 ounces of filtered water, two table spoon of maple syrup, two tablespoon of lemon juice and 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper. However, if you prefer to make 60 ounces at one go, you will need 60 ounces of filtered water, 12 tablespoon of maple syrup, 12 tablespoon of lemon juice and teaspoon of cayenne pepper. One small tip is to use freshly squeezed lemon juice instead of canned or processed one.
Another factor to note is that you must use organic grade B maple syrup and not sugar filled syrup. And although the Cayenne pepper looks as if it can be excluded, it is actually very important. The cayenne actually helps to break down the mucus and promote a healthy blood flow. Beside this, it is also a rich source of Vitamins B and C. If you wish to add flavor to the lemonade, just use decaffeinated tea because caffeine constrict the blood vessels. During the master cleanse, we actually wishes to promote a good flow of the blood so that the waste and toxin can be easily removed from the body.
You can also use Hoodia to help you to control your hunger pangs but remember to follow the recommended dosage when you are mixing the hoodia with your lemonade. You can also add a natural laxative to the master cleanse if you are bored drinking lemonade all day long. Besides helping you to control your hunger pangs too, like the psyllium husk, it will also assist in removing hardened feces from the body.
Some of the natural laxative recommended are herbal laxative tea, psyllium husk and sea salts. They are one of the best in cleaning up your intestines. Use the laxative twice daily, together withe master cleanse, you will get the full effectiveness. Just make sure to consume lots of water to make up for the water loss. - 16089
If you want to make a glass of master cleanse, you will need 10 ounces of filtered water, two table spoon of maple syrup, two tablespoon of lemon juice and 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper. However, if you prefer to make 60 ounces at one go, you will need 60 ounces of filtered water, 12 tablespoon of maple syrup, 12 tablespoon of lemon juice and teaspoon of cayenne pepper. One small tip is to use freshly squeezed lemon juice instead of canned or processed one.
Another factor to note is that you must use organic grade B maple syrup and not sugar filled syrup. And although the Cayenne pepper looks as if it can be excluded, it is actually very important. The cayenne actually helps to break down the mucus and promote a healthy blood flow. Beside this, it is also a rich source of Vitamins B and C. If you wish to add flavor to the lemonade, just use decaffeinated tea because caffeine constrict the blood vessels. During the master cleanse, we actually wishes to promote a good flow of the blood so that the waste and toxin can be easily removed from the body.
You can also use Hoodia to help you to control your hunger pangs but remember to follow the recommended dosage when you are mixing the hoodia with your lemonade. You can also add a natural laxative to the master cleanse if you are bored drinking lemonade all day long. Besides helping you to control your hunger pangs too, like the psyllium husk, it will also assist in removing hardened feces from the body.
Some of the natural laxative recommended are herbal laxative tea, psyllium husk and sea salts. They are one of the best in cleaning up your intestines. Use the laxative twice daily, together withe master cleanse, you will get the full effectiveness. Just make sure to consume lots of water to make up for the water loss. - 16089
About the Author:
Veteran Master Cleanser reveals how to embark on the Master Cleanse in 4 simple steps. The Master Cleanse doesn't have to be that darn hard to complete if you simply follow The Master Cleanse 101-104 lessons FREE! Grab the Master Cleanse recipe for free as well!