Thursday, January 29, 2009

Work From Home And Become a Travel Agent

By KHM Travel

Remember when you could count on working and retiring for one company. It was as simple as putting in your 25 to 30 years, collecting your hard-earned pension, and retiring to the sunshine state of your choice. Those days have faded and those companies don't exist anymore. This leaves many turning their back on the traditional workforce and starting their own businesses. One of the most popular of these is to become a travel agent.

Why Becoming a Travel Agent Can Be the Perfect Career for You

Training: To become a travel agent requires training that can be done from the comfort of your home. You can study and learn at your leisure because the training is offered via new technologies such as online video and webinars. All you have to do is log on to get started.

Kickstart Your Success: Many work-from-home businesses fail to assist you in your success. Sure, they offer the course materials, but little beyond that. When you choose to become a travel agent, if you align yourself with the right company, the will help you to kickstart your success.

How do they do this? By providing critical marketing assistance, i.e., lead generation, introduction to industry suppliers, and a full-fledged marketing plan. No business can succeed without a viable marketing plan.

Work at Home: This is perhaps the most attractive factor of this career opportunity. After all, who doesn't want to work from the comfort of home? When you become a travel agent and work from home, you save in a number of ways, eg, on commuting, wardrobe and eating out, to name a few.

Unlimited Income Potential: What you make when you decide to become a travel agent is entirely up to you. How's that for job security!

As commission structures vary depending on which company you sign on with, before you make the choice to become a travel agent with an agency, review this part of their offering carefully. For, it can literally be the difference between continuing to work from the comfort of home, or having to go back to a full-time job. - 16089

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