Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Staying Motivated Is The Main Key To Blogging Success!

By Albert Hallado

Hi, my name is Albert Hallado and I'm a full time blogger. I earn money blogging by writing about blogging as a method of generating income online. In case you don't know me, I develop my own web graphics and ebooks and sell them on my blog, and that's how I earn my living every single day.

One of the main problems that I have received in emails from my subscribers is, "how to stay motivated during tough times". I know during these times of uncertainty it can be tough to think about blogging and making money online. But this is exactly what I did, not more than a year ago.

I have so many of my fellow bloggers and people whom I coach and help everyday, find it difficult to motivate themselves to at least blog once or twice a week. First let me say, I know how you feel. It has been a tough long road to success for me. I've went through my share of being worried, scared and angry about whatever it was at that time. You name the emotion, and I've experienced it during the past year.

Without my family, I wouldn't have enjoyed the success that I now am reaping. I say this not to toot my own horn, but as a voice of encouragement for those who find themselves in a similar position that I was not more than a year ago.

There's no way to sugar coat it, life can be tough at times. It's not always peaches and roses, but with a strong desire to succeed backed by a clear vision of motivation, whatever that may be, you can overcome and succeed in 2009. I am living proof of that!

This is my main motivation for writing this article. If you down, than let me say that everything is going to be ok. If you are in doubt, I say do what you do best and be consistent at what you do.

Yes, life is tough and it's not always sunshine and rainbows. People are losing their jobs at a high rate never seen since the great depression. But what I am about to say, may change your life. It did for me and my journey has just began.

Find what is positive in your life and use that as a motivation tool to began your journey to making your online business successful. For me, it was my family. You see my kids only see the good in me and they are always so happy. Maybe it is because they are so young, but it has made me realize is that this is why I blog!

Remember, it requires patience and consistency so don't give up. Use whatever it is that motivates you, whether that is your kids, your family, your faith to help propel your online business to the next level.

Keep everything in its proper perspective and focus on what makes you happy. It sounds simple and easy I know, but I speak from being there myself. Simple and easy makes it much more applicable during times when nothing seems simple and easy.

I hope my story can become a shed of encouragement just as those who encouraged me when I thought I couldn't go on with my online business.

To your success in 2009! - 16089

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