Tuesday, December 30, 2008

999 Business Opps: 25-32

By Enidz Cruzzy

25. Set up a party plan business which sells gardening equipment and supplies. You might, for example, hold the parties in gardens during the afternoons. Once you have developed a successful presentation and range of products, increase the size of your business by recruiting agents.

26. Setup a promotional sheet music publishing business. People who write music and lyrics would find it easier to sell their compositions if they were published. Published compositions could then be circulated to people in the music business.

27. Bring out a selection of posters which are packed with biblical quotes. Sell these through religious bookshops and by post to schools and practising Christians.

28. Produce 'Add-One' drama video cassettes. Professional actors and actresses perform a play on video. However, there is one character missing from the video. This character is played by a viewer of the video. The viewer learns his or her part and becomes part of the play at home.

29. If you have the artistic ability to become a cartoon caricaturist, earn money from doing amusing portraits at a thoroughfare of a shopping or tourist area. Or do caricatures outside football grounds on match day, at festivals, concerts, exhibitions, etc.

30. Produce a correspondence course about cartooning. Pay a skilled cartoonist to devise the course.

31. Put together your own catalogue of jewellery making supplies. Locate the sources of products by doing the routine work of the mail order trader: write to potential suppliers. Throughout the country there are thousands of craft workers who would welcome a new catalogue.

32. Earn a living by buying gold and silver jewellery from people who need instant cash. Because their need for cash is greater than their desire to get a high price, your mark-up can be good. Only buy jewellery which you know you can re-sell quickly for a profit. - 16089

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