Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Web Design - Hiring A Professional To Save Money

By Stephen Grisham, Sr.

It might seem like it's saving you money to design a website yourself, but it will end up costing you more money and time in the long run. If you are busy running your own business, then it will be obvious that as a business owner, you don't have time to learn how to create good web design on the side.

A business owner should take a moment to consider how much his time is really worth, and whether the time you're willing to spend putting together a website will produce a good website. It's important for a business owner to consider the cost of neglecting other parts of running the business in order to make a website. After considering this information, it's clear that the money invested in a website design professional can be quickly recovered in sales and savings.

HTML coding does look easy up front, but most people don't know that there are many other programming languages necessary in a business website. Do you have all of the time you need to create an attractive, functioning and secure website? If you think your business needs and deserves more than a shoddy, pre-fabricated website, you should hire a professional web designer.

An introductory webmaster knows the 4 basic web programming languages: HTML, SHTML, Java, CSS. A more seasoned pro will have tons more to offer you. The more training the professional has, the more costly the web design fees will be, but also the better the results can be.

If you are really in a budget crunch, consider hiring a student. There are many professional and 2-year institutions that teach computer courses, and often some will be design students who need to build portfolios. Some will work for free. Others will work for nominal wages. All will ask for a reference.

The next big thing is the site itself. What does it need to do? The more bells and whistles your site has, the more room it will require on your server. You will have to pay for the space you use, so be sure your designer knows your limitations.

Some website designs need programs to run. Since a programmer is often expensive, it might be best to buy a pre-made software program that meets your needs, which can be found for items such as your store's online shopping cart. It's important to create a secure shopping cart without scripting errors so your website's customers will be safe.

Nobody wants your site information or the private information on it to be stolen or misused,, so one of the the most important features, if not the most important feature of any website is the safety and security of your customer's private information. . You need to be sure that your webmaster will give you support for the occasional, albeit entirely unavoidable emergency call. - 16089

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