Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Posting Free Ads: The Trend for Now and the Future

By Alex Wu

Free ads are one of the best things to come along. This is a great way to sell items, post jobs, and advertise services. It is great for people that have some things to sell but cannot afford to pay the fee on E-bay or in the local paper. It also reaches a larger audience.

There are several websites that allow you to post free ads for most anything. The ads reach a wide audience of buyers or takers for items and jobs. This is a great benefit for sellers as they do not have to pay for fees like they would on places like E-bay. Job opportunities are easily found and resumes and applications can be sent in online for review by the employer. It makes things much easier for everyone.

People that are giving away things should not have to pay for ads anyways. One person's trash is another person's treasure as the saying goes. The person that needs or wants items can post how much they are willing to pay, and if someone has that item, they already know how much you will give them for it. This is an easy way to match people with items to people that want or need them. This is a great service that many people use.

Pets are one thing that you can find in free ads. Often times they are even free to a good home. You can find cars or car parts listed, game systems and games for them, which is great for parents so that they do not have to pay the in store price. It may be used, but if it is not that old and it works, that works for me.

On places like E-bay you pay to sell your items, on the free websites there is no fee, no bidding, just set a price and wait for the e-mails or phone calls. That is easy to do, and many more people will see the ad, than would in your local paper. If you have items that you are looking for, you can post a free ad and someone may just have it for free or a minimal cost.

People that give stuff away for free post their ads on these sites. It is great for finding free puppies, kittens, or clothing. All you have to do is pick it up or pay for delivery. You can find anything for sale on the Internet, so you are bound to find what you are searching for.

Please be sure that if you are selling items that you list how you want to be paid like PayPal, money order, or check. If it is buy check or money order make it clear that the item will not be sent out until they clear. PayPal is the safest way to go.

When you post ads for items wanted or for sale, you should open up a separate free e-mail account just for this purpose so that your main e-mail account does not get bogged down with e-mails and spam, as this can be frustrating. I would not advertise my main e-mail. Get a hotmail or g-mail account for this. This is a good service for everyone. - 16089

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