Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Do You Use Your Subconscious Mind To Achieve What You Want?

By Ray Stendall

The subconscious mind is one of our greatest assets. It is the home of our intellectual factors that include: reason, intuition, imagination, perception, memory and the will. When we use the subconscious mind correctly, we can create anything that is in harmony with natural universal law.

The subconscious mind is completely deductive in nature, unlike the conscious mind, which is both inductive and deductive. The subconscious mind will believe anything that is impressed upon it with emotion in a consistent manner. It will even believe a lie if it is repeated often enough. Understanding this concept represents the first step in taking control of your subconscious mind so you can pursue your dreams.

The next step to effectively use your subconscious mind is to know exactly what you want and why you want it. This process of conceptualization and clarification is critical, because the subconscious mind only gets involved when it is sure you mean business! Being serious about a goal prompts an emotional response inside you. It is when emotion mixes with clarity that the subconscious mind can act on your desires. Answer these critical thinking questions:

Do you really know what you want? Can you see it clearly in your mind down to the smallest detail? Have you written it down in a clear and concise manner? Do you know why you want it? Do you believe you can obtain it? Are you willing to do whatever it takes legally and ethically to cause the manifestation of the goal?

To move forward you must be able to answer the above questions with a resounding YES! Next you want to clearly see on the screen of your mind your objective. You must begin the process of associating deeper emotions with the objective. Deep emotions can be created through using your five senses and the process of autosuggestion.

Let me give you an example of how this works: Lets suppose you want a new car. You must see the car, feel the car, drive the car, listen to the stereo, touch the soft leather and enjoy your favorite beverage while in the car to create an emotionalized memory. You might even want to rent the car so that you can actually feel the experience of driving it and really fix in your mind what it would be like to own it.

An emotionalized memory will last for a period of time as you go about your daily business. To enhance and feed your mind more emotional fuel, it is wise to take pictures, video and record your thoughts about the experience so that you can strengthen your emotionalized memory of the experience. Daily, spend time impressing these thoughts and feelings upon your subconscious mind including, what you want and why you want it. Do this with a loud confident voice as you relive the newly created memory.

By following this process, you will take your burning desire and turn it into a white hot burning desire as Napoleon Hill likes to say. This white hot burning desire together with your subconscious mind will increase your awareness for people and things that can help you move in the direction of your dreams. I have used this technique for 20+ years and it works like clockwork. Give it a try today! - 16089

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