Stay at home moms usually could use some extra cash. Most don't know that they are the perfect candidates for surveys to take about products they use in their home every day. It's simple and fast - most surveys take less than 20 minutes - and there's no obligation. Just answer the questions and get paid!
If your household is like most, you as the mom are doing a majority of the shopping. This means that you have to make daily decisions about what products will serve you and your family the best - and which ones will fit your budget! This actually makes you kind of a shopping expert.
Big brand name companies spend millions of dollars every year finding out which products people purchase, and where, and why. They need information from moms in every city and state so they can plan ad campaigns and find out what the consumers need. These companies will give you surveys to take, and pay you CASH for completing them!
Signing up with a few major survey sites online is the fastest way to find surveys to take. You shouldn't be asked to pay money to sign up - the survey sites will already be getting a kickback for providing the companies with people to take the surveys. You are supposed to being paid by them, not the other way around!
The short list of things you will need to prepare before you go looking for sites to register on include a new email address (to keep your survey emails organized) a username to login to sites with, and a random, easily memorized password for security purposes. Don't use a password you use for your personal matters.
Next you will be sent a confirmation email. This will usually direct you to click on a link in the email to complete your registration. Keep a list of the sites you sign up for so you can verify the email is legitimate - clicking on links in suspect emails can crash your computer!
After you are registered, you will probably be asked to fill out some profiles. The survey site will use these to qualify you for surveys to take. When they find a survey you appear to qualify for, they will send you an email inviting you to login and take the survey!
It will take a little while to build a reputation as a serious survey taker, but eventually you should notice that you are receiving regular notifications and your earnings will start to climb. Keep it up, and you can make some serious money getting paid taking surveys! - 16089
If your household is like most, you as the mom are doing a majority of the shopping. This means that you have to make daily decisions about what products will serve you and your family the best - and which ones will fit your budget! This actually makes you kind of a shopping expert.
Big brand name companies spend millions of dollars every year finding out which products people purchase, and where, and why. They need information from moms in every city and state so they can plan ad campaigns and find out what the consumers need. These companies will give you surveys to take, and pay you CASH for completing them!
Signing up with a few major survey sites online is the fastest way to find surveys to take. You shouldn't be asked to pay money to sign up - the survey sites will already be getting a kickback for providing the companies with people to take the surveys. You are supposed to being paid by them, not the other way around!
The short list of things you will need to prepare before you go looking for sites to register on include a new email address (to keep your survey emails organized) a username to login to sites with, and a random, easily memorized password for security purposes. Don't use a password you use for your personal matters.
Next you will be sent a confirmation email. This will usually direct you to click on a link in the email to complete your registration. Keep a list of the sites you sign up for so you can verify the email is legitimate - clicking on links in suspect emails can crash your computer!
After you are registered, you will probably be asked to fill out some profiles. The survey site will use these to qualify you for surveys to take. When they find a survey you appear to qualify for, they will send you an email inviting you to login and take the survey!
It will take a little while to build a reputation as a serious survey taker, but eventually you should notice that you are receiving regular notifications and your earnings will start to climb. Keep it up, and you can make some serious money getting paid taking surveys! - 16089
About the Author:
You can get paid to take surveys, but never ever pay anyone for a list of survey companies that pay you for surveys. It's a little known fact that the list of paid survey companies is free if you know where to look. I'm giving away the list for free here: