Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Toll Free Vanity Numbers Have Business and Personal Uses

By Caressa Waechter

Almost everybody uses the telephone as a basic form of communication. Have you ever considered that there is a very inexpensive way to make your phone service work better and harder for you?

A toll free telephone service can work wonders for you, if you use it right. Companies are not the only things that can make use of a toll free phone number. Imagine how very cool it would be if you gave your own personal 800 number to someone when you told them to give you a call?

When you think of toll free numbers, you typically think of a business making use of them. If you think a bit outside of the box you quickly realize that there is nothing to say you can't have a toll free number for personal use.

One of the best kinds of toll free numbers to get might be a vanity toll free phone number. A vanity toll free number spells something out, such as 1-888-FLOWERS. Because a vanity phone number is very easy to remember, it can serve as an incredibly powerful marketing tool.

If you have your own company, a vanity phone number is one of the best marketing tools you can use. They don't cost very much, and if you get a catchy one, your 800 phone number will roll right off the tongue of your customers.

Even those that don't own a business can benefit from using a toll free phone number. Turning yourself into a brand is a great way to set yourself apart from the masses and to get further ahead in life. By using a vanity toll free number, you are really helping create your very own personal branding and marketing machine.

A vanity toll free phone number is a great addition to any ones marketing profile. Whether you are a business owner, or you don't have a business to call your own, think about how a toll free phone number can assist in your marketing efforts.

You have no excuse to not be using a toll free number, whether you are a business owner or just someone who is looking to create a personal brand. A vanity phone number won't cost you very much and you will quickly see a return on your investment. Start up your marketing machine today by getting your own toll free phone number. - 16089

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