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How do you choose a cell phone and calling plan that is right for you? Over the life of your phone, the calling plan service will cost much more than the phone itself-especially if the phone is free. You should choose the most cost-effective calling plan from a carrier with good coverage in your area. With all the competition for subscribers, monthly and per-minute costs of wireless calling plans have gone down dramatically.
Subscribers can keep their existing wireless phone number and even their landline based numbers when starting or transferring service to a new carrier. With the right calling plan, a wireless phone shouldn't cost much more than a landline phone. Every day more people are switching to wireless and giving up their landline service altogether.
There are a few terms you need to be familiar with. TALK TIME: The total amount phone use, typically measured in minutes, for both calls placed and calls received. PEAK MINUTES: Talk time minutes used during the prime calling periods when the carrier networks are most active, typically between 6am and 9pm Monday through Friday. OFF PEAK MINUTES: Talk Time minutes used outside of prime calling periods. ROAMING: Wireless phone used outside of a customer's home calling area or carrier network coverage. MOBILE-TO-MOBILE MINUTES: Minutes used for calling or receiving calls from another customer on your carrier's service network.
Today's wireless phones enable you to receive and send instant messages, send or check emails, and synchronize with your PC contacts, email, calendars, and more. These features make the truly wireless lifestyle a reality.
Choose the wireless carrier you want and your activated phone will be shipped direct to you. The Koolphone Wireless Store is powered by InPhonic the nation's leading online provider of wireless services and phones providing secure shopping, rapid activation and real-time online order status and tracking. Click here for FREE Cell Phones
With Koolphone you can compare prices and availability from all major U.S. carriers. Verizon, T-Mobile, Cingular, Nextel, Sprint, Alltel and Liberty Wireless. Wireless phones by every major manufacturer including Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola and more. Only name brand wireless phones with full U.S. warranties. - 16089
How do you choose a cell phone and calling plan that is right for you? Over the life of your phone, the calling plan service will cost much more than the phone itself-especially if the phone is free. You should choose the most cost-effective calling plan from a carrier with good coverage in your area. With all the competition for subscribers, monthly and per-minute costs of wireless calling plans have gone down dramatically.
Subscribers can keep their existing wireless phone number and even their landline based numbers when starting or transferring service to a new carrier. With the right calling plan, a wireless phone shouldn't cost much more than a landline phone. Every day more people are switching to wireless and giving up their landline service altogether.
There are a few terms you need to be familiar with. TALK TIME: The total amount phone use, typically measured in minutes, for both calls placed and calls received. PEAK MINUTES: Talk time minutes used during the prime calling periods when the carrier networks are most active, typically between 6am and 9pm Monday through Friday. OFF PEAK MINUTES: Talk Time minutes used outside of prime calling periods. ROAMING: Wireless phone used outside of a customer's home calling area or carrier network coverage. MOBILE-TO-MOBILE MINUTES: Minutes used for calling or receiving calls from another customer on your carrier's service network.
Today's wireless phones enable you to receive and send instant messages, send or check emails, and synchronize with your PC contacts, email, calendars, and more. These features make the truly wireless lifestyle a reality.
Choose the wireless carrier you want and your activated phone will be shipped direct to you. The Koolphone Wireless Store is powered by InPhonic the nation's leading online provider of wireless services and phones providing secure shopping, rapid activation and real-time online order status and tracking. Click here for FREE Cell Phones
With Koolphone you can compare prices and availability from all major U.S. carriers. Verizon, T-Mobile, Cingular, Nextel, Sprint, Alltel and Liberty Wireless. Wireless phones by every major manufacturer including Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola and more. Only name brand wireless phones with full U.S. warranties. - 16089
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Guaranteed lowest prices. The best rate plans and phones in your area. Compare for yourself. We challenge you to search for a better value in local stores, on the Internet or anywhere else. Click here for FREE Cell Phones . You will be glad you did!