Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Road Safety: What You Need to Know

By Amy Nutt

Road safety is everyone`s concern, though many people aren`t even sure of what it means. This simple phrase covers a lot of areas, all of which involve staying safe and being responsible on the road. It applies to everyone who drives, cycles or even walks and the idea is to keep everyone out of harm`s way.

When it comes to road safety, cars and trucks are by far the most dangerous thing on the road. The sheer weight and speed make them potential weapons when used irresponsibly and this has brought about quite a few laws to help protect both those in the cars and those outside as well as provide roadside assistance.

Drinking Drunk driving causes over 13,000 deaths every year, but most people still think nothing of having a couple of beers before hitting the road. Unfortunately, even if you don`t feel drunk, your reflexes are impaired and even a few seconds difference can cause death when dealing with a motor vehicle.

While there are laws against drinking and driving, it still lies in the hands of the people to stop this problem. If you`re going to go out partying, assign a designated driver or call a taxi to get home safely. And don`t let others who have been drinking get into the driver`s seat.

Novice Drivers New drivers are a high risk category. While everyone makes mistakes sometimes, some of those errors can be deadly. With this in mind, new laws have been passed in many states to help new drivers learn to drive safely. Extended learning periods, minimum required driving times and requiring new drivers to be accompanied by an older driver are all methods of keeping the roads secure while young people learn the ropes.

Alertness After you`ve been driving for a while, it`s easy to get complacent, especially if you are very familiar with the route you`re taking. Did you know that the majority of accidents take place within a few minutes from home? People are familiar with their neighborhood, so they tend not to pay as much attention as they ought to, with tragic results.

Road safety means paying attention and being alert. Stop completely at stop signs, pay attention to the lights and keep an eye out for the unexpected. It`s also important to wear a seat belt and to strap children into their car seats, even if you`re just popping down the street for a moment. It only takes a second for everything to change and you want to be prepared.

Motorbikes and Bicycles Of course, road safety isn`t only in the hands of those who drive heavier vehicles. Motorbikes are particularly dangerous to the rider because of the lack of protection. While a motorbike may not do nearly as much damage to a car as another vehicle might, these types of accidents have the highest rate of mortality. The safety factors can be boosted by using appropriate protective gear, driving responsibly and keeping the bike in good shape.

Bicycles can also affect road safety. We`ve all seen cyclists who fail to check behind them and swerve into traffic, or who dodge between vehicles in a hurry. This not only poses a threat to the cyclist, it can also cause a car accident as someone swerves to get out of the way. Drunk cycling might sound funny, but it`s also a huge cause of deaths in the US.

Road safety is something we all need to consider when out and about. Be responsible when you are out and about, whether on foot or driving and take care. Being safe is everyone`s responsibility as well as having CAA insurance. - 16089

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